Class Xml2PdfTag_table


<table> tag.

It is used to add table in the document.

  1. <table lineheight="5" left="30" top="30">
  2.     <tt textalign="center" border="0" fontstyle="bu">Table title extends tt iuh h iug jg dyb  gyg bgyug yug ygyug y yu gyu gygy yufgytf gyu yg yg uy gyu gyu gyugyu gyu g k ho un gy b hn f b g jbgtfytf bfgytvbfuf tv</tt>
  3.     <th fill="1" fillcolor="#e3e3e3">
  4.         <td width="50%">first colmn header</td>
  5.         <td>second colmn header</td>
  6.         <td width="20">third colmn header</td>
  7.     </th>
  8.     <tr>
  9.         <td>first column</td>
  10.         <td>second column</td>
  11.         <td>third column</td>
  12.     </tr>
  13.     <tr>
  14.         <td>first column line 2</td>
  15.         <td textalign="J" font="helvetica" fill="1" fillcolor="#c4e9f8" fontstyle="b">second column line 2 zevhuzhv  vy syvs sivs y ycg sgc uisg cu  cg iucghui cyug  igu g</td>
  16.         <td textalign="C">third column line 2</td>
  17.     </tr>
  18. </table>

Located in /plugins/tags/xml2pdf.tag.table.php (line 36)

Variable Summary
 string $align
 boolean $border
 string $borderColor
 boolean $fill
 string $fillColor
 string $font
 string $fontColor
 integer $fontSize
 string $fontStyle
 float $left
 integer $lineHeight
 string $position
 array $rows
 string $textAlign
 float $top
 float $width
Method Summary
 void __construct (object Pdf $pdf, array $attrs)
 void close ()
 void render ()
 float _renderHeader ()
 float _renderRow (array $row)
 float _renderTitle ()
string $align = 'L' (line 115)

table alignment.

  • access: public
boolean $border = true (line 139)

show the border.

  • access: public
string $borderColor = '#000000' (line 109)

border color.

  • access: public
boolean $fill = false (line 133)

fill the background.

  • access: public
string $fillColor = '#ffffff' (line 103)

fill color.

  • access: public
string $font = 'times' (line 91)

font family.

  • access: public
string $fontColor = '#000000' (line 97)

font color.

  • access: public
integer $fontSize = 10 (line 61)

font size.

  • access: public
string $fontStyle = '' (line 85)

font style.

  • access: public
object Xml2PdfTag_th $header = false (line 49)

table header.

  • access: public
float $left = 0 (line 73)

left margin.

  • access: public
integer $lineHeight = 5 (line 67)

height line.

  • access: public
string $position = 'relative' (line 127)

positionning mode.

  • access: public
array $rows = false (line 55)

table rows.

  • access: public
string $textAlign = 'L' (line 121)

text alignment.

  • access: public
object Xml2PdfTag_tt $title = false (line 43)

table title.

  • access: public
float $top = 0 (line 79)

top margin.

  • access: public
float $width = null (line 145)


  • access: public

Inherited Variables

Inherited from Xml2PdfTag

Constructor __construct (line 159)


Parse the tag properties

  • access: public
void __construct (object Pdf $pdf, array $attrs)
  • object Pdf $pdf: object Pdf
  • array $attrs: tag properties

Redefinition of:
close (line 247)

call the table renderer.

  • access: public
void close ()

Redefinition of:
Close tag.
render (line 259)

Render the table.

  • access: public
void render ()
_renderHeader (line 321)

Render the table header and return its height.

  • access: private
float _renderHeader ()
_renderRow (line 345)

Render a row.

  • access: private
float _renderRow (array $row)
  • array $row: Object Xml2PdfTag_tr
_renderTitle (line 298)

Render the table title and return its height.

  • access: private
float _renderTitle ()

Inherited Methods

Inherited From Xml2PdfTag


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